Friday, August 29, 2014

Extinction & What Humans Have To Do With It

In the article "Species Extinction Happening 1,000 Times Faster Because of Humans?" by National Geographic's Christine Dell'Amore gives us an inside look of why exactly animals are going exstinct and if us humans are speeding up the process. This articles describes how humans unintentionally speed up this extinction by not having proper knowledge of the species surrounding themselves nor do they know just how much pollution comes from their factories and cars however humans have and can be doing things to help these species from going extinct.  Dell'Amore quotes Peter Crane saying how technologies are helping spread the word of extinct species which is getting more involvement from people who want to care.

Anthropogenic- results of human activities on earth. Two most known carbon dioxide sources from humans is the combustion of fossil fuels and the major loss of forests and other habitats that would take up and store carbon dioxide from the atnosphere. Anthropogenic actions such as cutting down forests shows how humans are a reason for certain species going extinct.

Sustainable development- in this article Dell'Amore is describing how technology is slowly being used for sustainable development. Using technology to spread awareness humans will be able to balance their own well being along with economic advancement with resource management.

Ecological footprint- Humans, unfortunately, like to leave a very huge ecological footprint. Because humans need trees for paper and limber, the oceans and air for transportation, forests/built up land to build new homes and highways and so much more, animals are loosing their habitat so that humans can have more malls or restaurants. This ecological footprint of humans is what is leading some species to extinction.

Background extinction rate- the rate of extinction for species is usually very slow however environmental changes can speed up the rate of extinction. Although human intervention has saved certain species.

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